October 29, 2017

Laos aims to attract 5.2 mln foreign tourists in 2018

Source:  Xinhua News, October 24, 2017

VIENTIANE - The Lao government has set a plan to attract more than 5.2 million foreign arrivals to the country and increase the annual income generated by the foreign visitors to 900 million U.S. dollars in 2018.

Laos sets to promote tourism, preserve unique, fine traditional culture

Source:  Xinhua News, October 28, 2017

Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith launches the "Visit Laos Year 2018"
Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith launches the "Visit Laos Year 2018" at the opening of the annual That Luang Festival in Vientiane, Laos, Oct. 28, 2017. Laos officially launched the "Visit Laos Year 2018" on Saturday, aiming to promote tourism and preserve unique and fine traditional culture of Laos. (Photo Credit:  Xinhua/Liu Ailun)

October 27, 2017

Embodied Nation - Sport, Masculinity, and the Making of Modern Laos

Title:  Embodied Nation - Sport, Masculinity, and the Making of Modern Laos
By:  Simon Creak
Publisher, Year:  University of Hawaii, 2015
ISBN:   9780824838890
Price:  USD$30

Embodied Nation - Sport, Masculinity, and the Making of Modern Laos

October 26, 2017

Lao prime minister pushing to ease business barriers

By:  Vientiane Times, October 25, 2017

VIENTIANE - Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith told the National Assembly (NA) on Monday the government will take serious action against red tape hampering exports and lessen unnecessary barriers for business.

The PM made the comment responding to questions raised by members of the parliament at the ongoing 4th ordinary session of the NA’s 8th legislature in Vientiane.

Timelapsed Mekong River

A very cool timelapse video of the Mekong River from different cities/towns in Laos and from different perspectives.

Video Credit:  Tobias Doblinger via Youtube, February 11, 2016

October 24, 2017

Repeat Offender: Vietnam’s persistent trade in illegal timber

Title:  Repeat Offender: Vietnam’s persistent trade in illegal timber
By:  Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
Publisher, Year:  EIA, 2017
Cost:  Free

Repeat Offender: Vietnam’s persistent trade in illegal timber

"As Laos has tightened controls over illicit timber flows, Vietnamese traders, abetted by Government policies and support, have increasingly switched their attention to Cambodia as a source of cheap illegal raw materials." - EIA

October 19, 2017

Elaborate Costume

Video Credit:  Miss Grand International
and Youtube user Ahacrh, October 12, 2017

Laos: Trillion kip spent unlawfully, says the top auditor

By:  Souksakhone Vaenkeo, Vientiane Times, October 19, 2017

VIENTIANE - More than one trillion kip of state spending without approval from the National Assembly (NA) has been uncovered, the state top auditor told the parliament this week.

More than one trillion kip of state spending without approval from the National Assembly (NA) has been uncovered, the state top auditor told the parliament this week.

October 16, 2017

Waterfalls in Laos You've Never Heard of - Part 3

Waterfalls in Attapeu Laos
Tad Sae Pong Lai Waterfall, Attapeu, Laos.
Photo credit:  Popumon TiH (via Google Maps), July 2017.

October 14, 2017

October 13, 2017

The Ivory Trade of Laos: Now the Fastest Growing in the World

Title:  The Ivory Trade of Laos:  Now the Fastest Growing in the World
By:  Lucy Vigne and Esmond Martin, Save the Elephants
Publisher, Year:  Save the Elephants, 2017
ISBN:  9789966107831
Cost:  Free


It has been reported in recent weeks that Laos has become the fastest growing market for the illegal ivory trade.  This comes on the heels of Thailand and China's ban on ivory causing the market to have unfortunately moved to Laos where Chinese and Vietnamese demand continues. This is the investigative report that has shed a very informative light on the issue and to which news outlets have picked up on.

October 12, 2017

Laos: Oudomxay legalises foreign workers

By:  Vientiane Times, October 12, 2017

VIENTIANE - Oudomxay provincial authorities are registering foreigners and issuing them with temporary work permits in a bid to regulate the increasing number of undocumented migrant workers in the province.

Lao government clamps down on foreigners’ illegal business activities

By:  Vientiane Times, October 9, 2017

ATTAPEU, Laos - Attapeu province has taken steps to tackle the problems surrounding alien workers and foreigners who run businesses illegally and flout the regulations concerning land use rights.

October 10, 2017

Almost 10,000 Lao Students Studying in China

Article Title:  China welcomes more overseas students
By:  Khonesavanh Latsaphao, Vientiane Times, October 10, 2017

Almost 10,000 Lao Students Studying in China
Photo Credit:  Vientiane Times, October 10, 2017

BEIJING - More and more foreign students from South Asia and Southeast Asia are coming to study in China, including from Laos, which last year had almost 10,000 people studying in the country.

October 09, 2017

The Lao Trade Story

Title:  The Lao Trade Story - Implementing Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation Reforms in Lao PDR
By:  World Bank
Publisher/Year:  World Bank, 2016
Cost:  Free

The Lao Trade Story - Implementing Trade Policy and Trade Facilitation Reforms in Lao PDR

Perhaps a Lesson for Laos?

Article Title:  War of the Dragons: Why North Korea Does Not Trust China
The legacy of the Sino-Vietnamese War continues to cast a shadow on China-North Korea relations.
By:  Franz-Stefan Gady, The Diplomat, September 29, 2017
The idea that China holds the key to solving the ongoing political and military crisis on the Korean Peninsula has been the standard jack-in-the-box of U.S. North Korea policy for the past seven decades, set to pop up whenever U.S.-North Korea tensions escalated and the threat of war thought imminent.

End of Buddhist Lent 2017 - Timeline and Collages

End of Buddhist Lent 2017 collage
The Festival of Light Boats 2017 Boun Loy Heua Fai.
Photo credits noted below.

October 06, 2017

Private Investment Over 2 Years at USD$7.5B in Laos

By:  KPL News, September 24, 2017

Minister of Planning and Investment Souphan Keomixay told a government meeting on the promotion of private investment on Friday that over the past two years 120 private investment projects have been recorded with a combined capital of 7.5 billion US dollars.

Will Laos Buy New Weapons from Indonesia?

Jakarta continues to look for regional opportunities for its state-owned defense companies.
By:  Prashanth Parameswaran, The Diplomat, September 26, 2017

On September 24, reports surfaced that one of Indonesia’s state-owned defense companies had received interest from Laos for some new arms sales. The reports are part of a broader development where Jakarta is seeking to strengthen its defense industry, including through selling more products to regional countries like Laos with which it is commemorating 60 years of relations this year.

Fiercely paddling right to the finish line

Boat Racing Festival.  Video Credit:  Vientiane Times, October 6, 2017

October 03, 2017

If you're in Laos this week, two colourful festivals await

By:  Visith Teppalath, Vientiane Times, October 4, 2017

Boat Racing Festival in Vientiane
Photo Credit:  Phoonsab

Anyone visiting Laos this week is urged not to miss the Vientiane Boat Racing Festival and the traditional and religious activities nationwide that mark the end of Buddhist Lent.

October 01, 2017

Lao Mushroom Sauce

A simple and delicious mushroom jaew (sauce).  ແຈ່ວເຫັດນາງຟ້າ
Video Credit:  May Laos Kitchen via Youtube, September 18, 2017.