June 19, 2017

Beerlao Band Challenge Season 2

Beerlao Band Challenge 2017 - Season 2 teaser video
ຮອບຄັດເລືອກ ວັນເສົາທີ 17/6/2017 ນີ້...! ຢ່າລືມມາຊົມມາເຊຍກັນຫຼາຍໆເດີ້ທີ່ ສູນການຄ້າລາວໄອເຕັກ (ຕຶກເກົ່າ)
Video Credit:  BeerLao

China-Lao rail gathers steam

By:  Don Ross , TTRWeekly.com, June 7, 2017

LUANG PRABANG, 7 June 2017: A fast rail line from China to Laos will run straight through Luang Prabang, Lao PDR’s famed World Heritage town, when it opens December 2021.

Officials confirmed late last month that the construction of the Laos-China railway is gathering steam as teams bore and drill foundations at 75 tunnel and 167 bridge locations on a route that will stretch 414 km from end-to-end.

June 08, 2017

'Wombs for rent' business flourishes in communist Laos

By Amy Sawitta Lefevre, Reuters News, June 7, 2017

fertility clinic sign in Laos
Photo credit: Phoonsab Thavongsa

Dozens of fertility clinics have mushroomed in land-locked Laos after scandals over commercial surrogacy have spurred wealthier southeast Asian neighbors to ban the controversial procedure since 2015.

June 03, 2017

Buddhist Temple Watercolor Painting

Buddhist Temple Watercolor Painting
Profiling a Buddhist temple delicately yet colorfully.

June 02, 2017

Profile on the Affects of Pesticide Use in Laos

ຜົນກະທົບຈາກການນຳໃຊ້ຢາຂ້າຫຍ້າ ແລະ ຢາຂ້າແມງໄມ້ໃນລາວ (Video is in Lao language)