August 28, 2014

The Ubiquitous Drink in a Bag

It is very common in Laos to find that when you order drinks (with the exception of alcoholic drinks) from street side shops and vendors that many of them are poured into plastic bags and filled with ice.

Photo Credit:

August 27, 2014

Craving Lao Baguette Sandwich

I'm having a dire hankering for kow jee patay.  It's a Lao baguette sandwich filled with all sorts of meats, sauces and veggies.  The baguette itself is made from rice flour (great for those wanting gluten free!).  The closest thing that resembles this is the Vietnamese sub sandwiches which are called banh mi.  Since there's no Lao version of this in my own city, I'll have to check out the Viet places in Chinatown...

Photo Credit:

P.S.  This is also one of the easiest and best street food items you can find in Laos.  It's cheap, filling and delish!

August 21, 2014

Mekong: The River of Nine Dragons

Wonderful documentary on not just the Mekong River but really a profile on the countries that the river flows through.

The first 16 minutes of the documentary are on Laos.  It begins in northern Laos near the border with China with a look at the ethnic minority group called the Ekor.  It's a fascinating look into their lives and customs. 

August 19, 2014

Bienvenue à Festival Lao 2014

The Lao community in Quebec spearheaded by Lao Buddhist temple, Wat Thepbandol, organize one of Canada's largest Lao festivals.  One that brings people from not only Quebec but from other parts of Canada and even visitors from America.  This year it was held in July in Sainte-Julienne, Quebec, about an hour north of Montreal.  Here are a couple of videos from LaoTVCanada covering the event.  C'est une bonne fête!

August 13, 2014

Flowering Ideas

Lao book review:  Champa - written in LaoLao book review:  Flowers I know - written in Lao

During my December 2013 trip to Laos after having witnessed so many pretty flowers and plants while I traveled, I ended up buying a few books on the topic while I was over there.  Of course this was mostly because I wanted to know the names of the plants I was admiring.  However, along the way, I found books that would provide even more information than just names.

Have a look, may be these will interest you too?

August 11, 2014

Funky Clothes Reimagined

Do you see what I see?

Funky clothes by Fruition Las Vegas
Photo Credit:  Fruition Las Vegas

August 06, 2014

A Vientiane Night Out

Just going through some more pictures from last year's trip to Laos.  Found a couple of pictures that I thought I'd share.

Sitting at an outdoor patio at a restaurant in Nampu.  A live band wonderfully performed both in Lao and English.  Enjoying some thirst quenching Beer Lao along with a beautiful backdrop with the fountain all lighted up.  Gorgeous night out!

A Vientiane Night Out photo, Nampu, Vientiane, Laos with Beer Lao