July 30, 2012

Lao Olympic Torchbearer (Pics and Interview)

More on the first Lao woman to participate in the Olympic Torch Relay, Vadsana Sinthavong.  Includes photos and brief interview with her from The Examiner.

Link:  http://www.examiner.com/article/olympic-torchbearer-games-can-highlight-global-hunger-crisis

Lao Olympic Torch Runner Interview (WFP)

Interview with Vadsana Sinthavong, first Lao Olympic Torch runner, after returning to Laos.  Interview is in Lao.

Lao Language: Places and Locations

Here are some more Lao language references for you.  In today's post, here are common places and locations written in both Lao and English.

July 27, 2012

Lao Woman Takes Part in Olympic Torch Relay

Official news conference with the first Lao national to take part in the Olympic Torch relay.

Lao Athletes at Summer Olympics 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympics begins today!  Lao PDR has sent 3 athletes to these games.  According to officials, they include:

Lao Celebration: Boun Kow Pansa

Boon Khow Pansa (sometimes spelled as boun khao phansa, also known as Asalaha Boucha or Asalaha Puja Day in other countries.)

July 26, 2012

Typing in Lao

At Laoconnection.com we use Lao fonts we find online.  However for dedicated typing work, we use Tavultesoft's LaoScript for Windows program to type Lao.  Program was originally created by a guy named John Durdin.  It's not too expensive (paid under $30USD for it) and it's been around for ages.

July 24, 2012

Twist on a Classic Lao Song: Dok Champa Remix 2011

A remix of a classic Lao song, Dok Champa, sung by Lao artist Alexandra at the Lao Music Awards 2011.  It starts out traditional but checkout how they change it up.

July 21, 2012

Lao Language: Tones / Vanayut

Tones in Lao are called vanayut.  Two commonly used tone symbols are shown below.  Officially there are two others as well but they are so seldom used we've decided not to include them.

July 20, 2012

Las Vegas in the Jungles of Laos

Just like the title says!  I suppose if the Americans can create Las Vegas in the middle of the desert, why shouldn't Laos be able to create a casino hub in the middle of the jungle?  This is being fueled by Chinese investors who are hoping to create a new entertainment and gambling area in the northern part of Laos in the Golden Triangle area.  Video clip is with Simon Reeve reporting.

A Favorite Lao Song: Ta bok huk from Awake

This is one of my favorite Lao songs of all time.  It was also one of the first Lao songs I ever learned how to sing!  I just recently found the video on Youtube that includes the lyrics (a good kareoke video with original music).  The song came out years ago, perhaps mid 2000s, from a Lao band named Awake.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

July 16, 2012

Download Free Lao Books for Kids and Beginners

Big Brother Mouse is offering some of their books for free downloading online.  And if what they're doing interests you, consider supporting them.  It's a great cause and increasing literacy is something that's very important.

2012 is Visit Laos Year!

If you didn't know it yet, 2012 is Visit Laos Year!  They did this type of promotion back in 1999 with some success.  With a whole national tourism strategy in place and many parts of the country are offering more variety of choices to tourists, it seems poised to do quite well.

Official Links:

July 15, 2012

You know you're Lao when...

This is classic and totally hilarious.  It's been on Youtube since 2008 but it still cracks me up.

Fisheries in Lao PDR

An interesting video from Mekong River Commission on the fisheries and river life in Laos.

July 14, 2012

Lao Sport - Takraw

Aside from soccer, takraw (pronounced dtae gataw in Lao) is probably one of the more popular sports in Southeast Asia including Laos.  It's definitely a fun sport to watch.  And it's quite challenging to play!  Here's a profile video on Laos takraw national team from Trans World Sport.

Laos Allows Foreigner to Buy/Own Land 2011 (Thai language)

Interesting news about foreigners (including Lao expats) to be able to buy Lao land in their own name.  There's some caveats though.  Still it is a step in the right direction.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Visits Laos July 11 2012

Historic visit indeed!  First time a high ranking US official has visited Laos since 1955.  I wish I was there to witness it.  Here's the video from Associated Press.

LLR (book): Lao Buddha: The Images and its History

Title:  Lao Buddha:  The Images and its History
By:  Somkiart Lopetcharat
Publisher/Year:  Siam Printing and Publishing Public Company Limited, 2000
ISBN:  9742722072
Cost:  $85-100USD

Cover photo of the book Lao Buddha: The Images and its History by Somkiart Lopetcharat

I had a hell of a time trying to find a copy of this book to buy which is a story I'll leave out and unfortunately it ends with me not being able to buy a copy.

July 04, 2012

LLR (book): First In-Depth Religious Analysis of Laos

Title:  Spirits of the Place
By:  John Holt
Publisher/Year:  University of Hawai'i Press, 2009
ISBN: 9780817458942
Cost:  $40-60 USD

Lao book review - Spirits of the Place by John Holt